Time Management Article 6th Management B

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Time management The day has 24 hours, that is a lot of time and yet we always feel like there isn’t enough time to do our taks, that’s because we don’t manage our time properly, so we are here to talk to you about time management and two methods that will help you manage your time correctly. 

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. It’s primarily for the planning of tasks, prioritizing some over others (it is often said that you have to do the urgent first and then the important). It also includes the analysis and definition of objectives that must be achieved in a certain time. In the business part, time management is essential, because activities and meetings need to be prioritized in order to be successful. We must manage our time in a way that we don’t get buried in work but still get everything well done. We can do that if we do the next 7 things:

 - Organization or planning 

- Prioritisation

 - Execution and commitment to deadlines 

- Managing distractions - Communication 

- Delegation

 - Reflection 

There are different efficient methods that can help you to manage your time like the Pareto Analysis, the Eisenhower Matrix and the Parkinson’s Law. But I won’t talk to you about those, I’ll talk to you about the two methods that work for a selected group of people, the Pomodoro Timer and the Kanban Methodology.

 The Pomodoro Timer: It consists of dividing the time into small work intervals of 25 minutes ( Pomodoros ) and breaks of 5 minutes; after four work intervals a longer break is made. The idea was developed in the 80s by the Italian Francesco Cirillo during his time as a student. After four consecutive blocks of work time, a longer break is taken, around 20 or 30 minutes. Each 25 minute block of work is called a “pomodoro”. If you feel the need to do something other than work during a focus period, write it down. 

The Kanban Methodology: The Kanban Method is a means to design, manage, and improve flow systems for knowledge work. Is particularly applicable in situations where work arrives in an unpredictable fashion and/or when you want to deploy work as soon as it is ready, rather than waiting for other work items. Because work items tend to flow through a kanban system in single piece flow, and each system is different with respect to stages in its workflow, the best way to describe the lifecycle of the Kanban method is via the feedback loops involved.


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