4th grade of computing and development

Profe Héctor


1. technology can change the world if we use it correctly.

2. Technology is good if we know how to put it to good use

3. Technology is important, but the only thing that really matters is what we do with it.

4. Take advantage of the time that flies so quickly; order will teach you to gain time."

5. technology is important but the only thing that really matters is what we do with it.

6. Technology is very advanced nowadays and it helps us a lot with our jobs

7. The real danger is not that computers began to think like men, but that men began to think like computers.

8. The best thing we have at this time that others did not have is technology because of the ease it offers us.

9. Technology is an important part of humanity.

10. The world can be changed in 140 characters.

11. we have to learn to distinguish between urgent and important.

12. Knowing how to choose time is saving time.

13. The time of reflection is an economy of time.

14. Managing my time correctly allows me to be more productive and achieve my goals efficiently.

15. Know how use the time can help us to have more time.

16. If we want to manage time correctly we need to avoid distractions

17. People have to set priorities and organize your work.

18. Those who misuse their time are the first to complain about their brevity.

19. The essence of self-discipline is about doing important things and not urgent things.

20. Time is our most valuable asset, even though we tend to waste it, kill it and spend it instead of taking care of it and investing it.


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