6th Application Development A

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Time management and applications

         Trello, Pomofocus and  Focus To-Do

Trello is simple, flexible, and powerful. All it takes boards, lists, and cards to get a clear view of who’s doing what people need to get done in their work.


Pomofocus is a customizable pomodoro timer that works on desktop & mobile browser. The purpose of this app is to help you focus on any task that you are working on, such as study, writing, or coding. This app is inspired by Pomodoro Technique which is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo.


Be focused and make things easier. Focus To-Do is an easy-to-use time and task management application that helps you to manage tasks anywhere and anytime and helps you to perform tasks efficiently. Millions of users around the world use this application and have gained efficiency.



Google Calendar

Google calendar is a time management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google.


Download this application is easy, it is compatible with iOS, Android phones and Windows.


Some features such as: add different calendars, tasks, a new events and each task or events with different colors.





Notion is a cross-platform task organizer that allows us to carry out our personal and work planning. Whether we are connected to the internet or not.


The tool works from the web, but we can also download Notion for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.


Notion offers us free templates, we can also add tables and databases, create projects and share it with several users, insert a Google drive document and finally we can import our file to another Apps such as Trello, Word, HTML, Dropbox, Google Documents among others.


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