Polytechnic María de la Altagracia Villa Duarte (POMAVID)
Hermanas de la Caridad del Cardenal Sancha
Teacher's name: Julio Cesar Santana Silva.
Grade: 5to de Cuidados de Enfermería y Promoción de la Salud B.
Work name: The correct management of time and the good management of
technological tools in the technical area of nursing care and health promotion.
Date of delivery: 2/2/2023
What is time management?
Time management is the planning and execution of a control of the amount of time that is
devoted to certain activities, to gain efficiency and productivity.
Knowing the time of each task allows you to define priorities, deadlines and objectives,
which will help maintain the business organization and avoid delays, both in the work of
employees and in the work of machines and systems.
How important is time management?
Rather than ensuring timely deliveries, time management will help professionals have a
better quality of life. Missing deadlines or being always tight with tasks is one of the
main reasons for stress and burnout.
With more organization, the worker has more motivation and discipline to perform their
tasks, can take time off during the school day or finish it earlier (if there is flexibility for
Avoid mistakes.
waste and delays in production.
Have a calmer organizational climate.
The importance of time management in a student’s life
Effective time management is all about achieving the right balance between your
homework, university/college life, and your free time. As a student, organizing your days will
eliminate stress and ensure that you are productive. The general time management tips for
students, such as sleeping well, scheduling, and prioritizing, are some important tips that can
help students in the long run. A more strategic approach is required to optimize the time a
student has in a day.
Tips for time management as a student:
1. Set Goals.
2. Make Note of Deadlines.
3. Start with Small Tasks / Break Up Large Tasks.
4. Create a schedule.
5. Use Checklists.
6. Use Breaks Wisely.
7. Leverage Technology.
8. Ask for Help.
Technological tools in the technical area of nursing care and health promotion.
The nurse who is currently practicing their profession has an enormous challenge in taking
advantage of the new technological resources that are presented to them, so that they can carry
out their work in a more efficient and effective manner and in the shortest possible time.
Now we have within reach a series of new tools that enrich the communication process, so it is
necessary for the nurse to develop the informational skills that will allow them to function
adequately in this new socio-technological context, such as the appropriate use of ICT, the access
to information and knowledge in health and its management or the generation and dissemination
of new knowledge.
The correct management of time and the good management
Time management is an important attribute for effective nursing. Nurses who manage their time
well are able to offer better care to patients and maintain a healthy work-life balance. The
strategies mentioned below are common for healthcare professionals.
Here are some time management strategies you can use to be a more effective nurse:
Stay organized
Establishing and maintaining an organized workspace is one of the most important elements of
effective time management.
Set achievable goals
Creating measurable and achievable goals can help you find ways to improve your efficiency and
better manage your time.
Create a routine
Establishing a routine can help you finish the same tasks in the same amount of time on a
consistent basis.
Prioritize your tasks
Prioritization is key to completing all essential work throughout your shift. Before or at the
beginning of your shift, consider what you need to do and the deadlines for each task.
In modern nursing, good time management is closely related to patient care, patient safety, and a
nurse's professional job performance.
Effective time management increases efficiency at both a professional and personal level
essential for a professional worker to be able to perform a task on time. The management and
planning of the work is carried out according to a systematic approach so that it is completed on
time. Therefore, time has become an essential and important factor in nursing care and that is
why it is also called nursing time.
Technological tools in the technical area of nursing care and health
The technology: The term telemedicine was coined in the 1970s and means "healing at a
distance", thus introducing the use of ICTs and increasing remote access to medical information.
The World Health Organization describes it as:
"Distribution of health services in which distance is a critical factor, were
Health professionals use information and communications technology for Exchange of
information valid for diagnosis and evaluation, and for education
continued public health providers, all in the interest of the development of health of the
individual and his community."
The contributions of these new findings respond and adapt to changes in
health needs and sociodemographic context.
The use of telemedicine dates back to the mid-nineteenth century when the data were transmitted
by telephone. Telemedicine as we know it today began in the 1960s hands of the military and
space technology sectors.
Correct time management of a Professional Nurse.
Nurses often have an extremely busy and complex job with multiple competing demands
and many patients to care for. They must be able to manage their time if they want to be
effective. No two days are the same in the nursing field, and nurses must be prepared to handle
emergencies and contingencies as they arise. Having a clear idea of the responsibilities and tasks
ahead of them each day will greatly help nurses complete them successfully.
Nursing time management is vital to complete all necessary tasks, manage the number of
patient cases and feel less stressed.
Good time management; Characteristic that a Nurse Practitioner must have.
In the general map of professional competences defined as the necessary capacities
(knowledge, skills and attitudes) that the professional must have to carry out his work effectively
(producing the desired results and achieving the objectives set by the organization within the
Quality Plan of our public health system) we highlight: Time Management (WG).
Time management (GT) is a topic that arouses widespread interest among nurses due to
the frequency of situations with lack of order, planning, unnecessary delays, etc. They generate
stress, anxiety, professional and personal dissatisfaction, as well as ineffective results that do not
contribute to improving the quality of patient care.
We must know the training and professional development activities necessary to learn its
fundamental principles and how to manage it effectively, since it is a "metaphysical" entity that
is the common denominator of all our daily tasks: time.
How to have a good time management being a Professional Nurse.
To have good time management as a professional nurse we should Identify the nursing
time required for care, education, research, and care and service management, in order to
determine the human talent needed to provide quality care in a first level care hospital.
The nursing care process (PAE) is applied, following the NANDA criteria and the
assessment with each care subject. From the nursing diagnoses and interventions, the time for
care is determined, the consensus analysis technique is used from the evidence to calculate the
time for research, education, care and service management. Results: 182 nursing diagnoses were
identified with their interventions and the respective time for care, per patient and per
professional and nursing assistant in the hospitalization service.
There is also evidence of the time for the functions that the nursing staff must carry out
that are not direct care, but that facilitate the achievement of objectives and help the ideal of
quality care and centered on the subject of care.
Calculating nursing human talent should start from the needs of the care subjects in their
context and from the estimation of the time for care and service management, as well as for
education and research.
Time in the career of Nursing.
Time is a totally valuable resource and to be able to manage it there are two very simple
methods, the first is to treat time as the only resource that must be controlled and the second is to
identify the reality of the situation in the face of the demands of time and activities, making an
analysis of actional patterns of individuals. The time available to nursing during their workday
will depend on the decisions made autonomously, that is, taking into account the duration of time
in patient care to decide efficiently between what should be done and what is possible,
controlling through analysis the demand for their time.
· Organization of tasks or maximization of time: this will allow a great saving of time
because they will allow the establishment of goals, specification of priorities, adequate
planning of time between one activity and another.
· Delegation of tasks into subunits: that is, divide the tasks, select the tasks that are carried
out on a daily basis.
Methods or Tips that will help with the Time Management to the Professional Nurses for a
better development in their work environment.
A nurse's job is not as easy as what most people think. In addition to administering
medications, helping patients during physical activities, and performing routine evaluations and
procedures within their shift, they also have to finish tasks left at home and take care of the needs
of some family members. With all the things they have to do, it's easy to feel exhausted.
The most effective time management tips for nurses that prove to be useful in being
100% focused on patient care:
· Arrive early at the hospital. Try to arrive 20 to 30 minutes before your shift. You can use
this time to review patients' medical records and prepare the appropriate care plan.
· Set priorities. One parameter you can use is the consequences of complementary nursing
tasks, in case you don't perform them right away.
· Estimate how long it will take to finish a task.
· Learn to say no. If a patient approaches you with a non-urgent request, learn how to
politely decline for the time being and offer to see them later after you've finished your
urgent tasks.
· Take a break. Take the time to sort out your thoughts, drink water, and take a bathroom
break if necessary.
Nursing time management can also be improved if nurses delegate certain tasks to others,
such as certified nursing assistants, who can handle some of the tasks nurses are responsible for.
Use of technology in the Field of a Nurse Practitioner.
Staff use smartphones and apps. Nurses can receive text messages and receive alarms
from their patients through these devices. All nursing staff are in real-time contact with their
patients and each other. It's efficiency at its finest.
· Electronic records.
Hospitals and health care facilities have switched to electronic records. This allows
everyone in the hospital to access patient information at the touch of a button. A nurse can
quickly see which medications the patient is taking and which are also allergic.
· Improved diagnostic devices.
Most technological advances are meant to help doctors, nurses and patients. Take, for
example, diagnostic tests. These can now be performed non-invasively. Not only does it improve
the cost-effective nature of testing, but it also reduces the risks of infections.
· Smarter alarm systems.
Go to any hospital in the country and beeps are heard coming from patients' rooms. These
beeps prevented nurses from running from room to room trying to see what was going on.
Importance of Correct Time Management in Nursing.
Nurses often work in fast-paced environments with strict deadlines and continually
changing priorities. Time management can help these health professionals improve the quality of
their work, stay flexible, and manage stress. One of the main reasons why nursing time
management is vital is the large number of patient cases that nurses must manage. They should
be sure to monitor each patient multiple times during each shift as they complete their rounds.
Time management at school
School time management is carried out through planning, directing,
accompaniment and permanent reflection on the diversity of actions that demand
times, places and responsible, as a commitment to institutional improvement.
It is important to point out that the management of school time implies a direct dialogue
between the team
of quality of each secretariat of education with the accompaniment actions defined in the
Support Plan for Improvement and the establishments, which differentiates it from the
processes of
inspection and surveillance. This issue is fundamental given that the type of strategies
to manage school time, determine or degrade the school environment.
1. Establish objectives, goals and times.
2. First decide the methodologies and ways of working.
3. Prioritize what is most important
It allows some flexibility.
Importance of managing student time
They are important since: They promote the development of linguistic and cognitive
capacities such as attention and memory, Values such as discipline and perseverance are
reinforced. It facilitates the approach and achievement of short and long-term goals. When you
learn to manage your own time, your ability to concentrate improves. And greater focus breeds
greater efficiency. Managing time allows us to complete tasks more quickly and make the
student day more effective and take better advantage of it.
Tips for organizing study time
There are different tips and techniques that you can apply when trying to study in a much
more effective way.
By applying them, it will be possible for you to fulfill all your homework on time and
obtain much more satisfactory grades in the exams. In this way, you can minimize your stress
levels and achieve a higher level of personal satisfaction. Among the most effective tips for
organizing study time are:
1. Establish a study calendar
A study calendar is a vital tool for anyone who wants to study in an efficient and
organized way.
2. Create a study routine
After structuring your study calendar, you will need to develop a routine for learning. At
first, sticking with it may be a bit difficult. However, once you get used to it, you will start to
notice its many benefits. To create a study routine, you need to make sure that you start studying
at the same time every day. In this way, your body and mind will be more willing to learn and
absorb information at that time. After a few days, the routine will start to become automatic for
your body, so it will be much easier to carry it out.
3. Prioritize the most important duties
In many cases, you will notice that your to-do list will be saturated. Although it may
seem difficult to know where to start, it is necessary to prioritize the tasks according to their level
of urgency or importance. If you manage to prioritize your tasks, you will be able to reach a
much higher level of productivity, since they will dedicate most of your energy to the
assignments that really require it.
In addition, you will avoid studying two subjects at the same time, this being one of the
most common mistakes when learning, since the brain's ability to retain information is reduced.
You can prioritize your homework according to its due date or its difficulty. In these cases, it is
advisable to attend to the tasks that are most difficult for us first, since these usually require more
energy and concentration. In addition, when completing a difficult assignment, we will feel
satisfied and proud of ourselves, which will give us the motivation to continue with the rest of
the duties.
4. Set short-term goals
Motivation is one of the most important points when studying. Lack of motivation
reduces our ability to concentrate and retain information. Because of this, specialists recommend
setting short-term goals that are easy to achieve. By completing them, we will be able to feel
satisfied with ourselves, so that we will gain motivation to continue studying. To define short-
term objectives, it is first necessary to establish how many subjects must be studied and how
many topics comprise them. For example, if you have a week to learn 7 topics, you can try to
memorize one each day. This way, once you do, you'll feel more motivated to study a new lesson
the next day.
5. Plan your breaks
Breaks are an essential element in any study routine. In fact, some of the most recognized
teaching methods, such as the Pomodoro Technique, are based on this principle.