Student letter (Yei)

Profe Héctor


My favorite person, my best friend


This letter is for the person who never leaves me alone, the one

I can always trust, the one who is there to listen to me when I

feel bad, and the person who makes me feel better even in the

worst moments. Every moment by your side has been

unforgettable, and you don’t know how grateful I am to have

you in my life.

Your empathy is another thing I admire about you. You always

know how to listen without judgment and offer the perfect

advice when I need it. Thank you for being there and

understanding me.

You are authentic, and that is something very valuable in this

world. You inspire me to be myself and not be afraid to show

who I really am.

Thank you for being you, for being the best friend in the world.

I love you so much and I am grateful for every moment we’ve




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