4th grade of nursing

Profe Héctor


- Technology.


Liz Anguizola #1. “Technology is nothing. The important thing is that you have faith in people”.

Alianna Arias #2. “

Siloe De Los Ángeles #3. “Technology helps us to have a better development also helps us to perform task in less time”.

Scarlet Beltre #4. “I have a beautiful cell phone”.

Channen Bencosme #5. “The technology save and destroys lives”.

Diana Bidó #6. “The teacher was writing and essay about the technology on his computer”.

Franyelis Calderón #7. “This site contains information about the technology and its use”.

Angela Cruz #8. “The technology is fully supported by Chrome, Firefox and Opera”.

Elizabeth De La Rosa #9. “Technology helps us to be able to do homework”.

Carol D'oleo #10. “Now only two companies have this technology in the world”.

Flor Duarte #11. “

Génesis Mercedes #12. “Technology advances every day and with it every day the world changes”.

Lesly Herasme #13. “My laptop has a very advanced technology”.

Claricer Hernández #14. “I love watching movies on my TV”.

Francisco Hiciano #15. “I was commissioned with a computer task since it will be an exhibition”.


- Time management.


Jarlyn Jiménez #16. “Take care of the minutes and the hours, they will take care of the themselves”.

Andreina López #17. “If you want to catch the 7 o'clock bus, you must leave earlier”

Pedro Mejia #18. “Some children in these years are wasting their time in non-sense things”.

Jade Morillo #19. “But she was in england giving you the weather report”.

Mia Núñez #20. “Well, my time is important, I spend my time on productive things; your time is unique, take care of them”.

Camille Olivares #21. “If I waste my time, I'm losing part of my life”.

Maia Paniagua #22. “

Erika Pérez #23. “Time is very important, don't waste it”.

Yeidaliz Polanco #24. “The waste of time is something monotonous that destroys us day by day”.

Laura Puello #25. “Time management is essential to being an organized person”.

Laura Rodríguez #26. “

Keren Rodríguez #27. “Time management is the key to success”.

Ana Rosario #28. “I spend time with my family because I know how to manage my time”.

Emilia Ruiz #29. “When you organize your time, your life going to be better”.

Asiel Serrano #30. “Time is very important, so take care of it”.

Marisol Terrero #31. “I wasted time, now time is wasting me”.



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