3rd grade D English

Profe Héctor

#1 Let’s well-invest our time.

#2 Organize your time with self discipline, and remember what you want and why you want it. 

#3 All great achievements take time. 

#4 We have to know how to use technology responsibly. 

#5 Do productive things instead of wasting your time. 

#6 A time for everything and everything in its time. 

#7 I like organice my time, because I can I have a more time to do my homework. 

#8 Have a good manage of youre time to be more efficient. 

#9 If I stop wasting time and start doing things that are impotant, I will be more productive. 

#10 We have to do the Homework in time. 

#11 Limit the distractions. 

#12 Organize your time, to be successful. 

#13 The time that is enjoyed is the real time lived. 

#14 You can organize Your time to learn more. 

#15 Let’s learn how to handle time. 

#16 I love spending my time correctly. 

#17 I like to manage my time because that way I save more of it. 

#18 Most people spend more time and energy talking about problems than dealing with them. 

#19 Time is money, so don’t waste it on someting not, worth it. 

#20 Time is the only thing we can not get back. 

#21 Learning to manage your time is a lifelong teaching. 

#22 The time seems unfair if your don't know how to handle it. 

#23 Time is the best gift we have. 

#24  Time is a treasure that not many know how to use. 

#25 We all need to stop losing our time in unnecessary things like social media and focus on our assignments. 

#26 There’s no better idea than to manege your time. 


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